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Pressure on your job; pressure in your finances; pressure in your relationships. Pressure is not prejudice. It attacks regardless of age, nationality, or religious belief. Every person on this earth has to deal with some form of pressure.

Pressure has come to steal your peace. It wants to paralyze your faith and hinder your progress. But, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, I want you to listen closely. You are not positioned under the circumstance. When you received Jesus as Lord, you received His victory. You are designed by God to float in the flood and soar above the storm. God has equipped you to say, Pressure? No Problem!

Just like Peter who stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus, maybe you have been distracted by the pressure of what you see. Peter looked at the wind and the waves and it twisted his perception. Matthew 14:30 in the Amplified Bibles says, “When he perceived and felt the strong wind.” The wind had nothing to do with Peter walking on the water.  Don’t allow the pressure of your situation to rob you of a miracle moment! Don’t allow the pressure of what you see to steal what God has spoken to you! Rise above the pressure and declare, “Pressure? No problem!”

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