Dear Partners and Friends,

Believing is not automatic. As we enter into 2015, we need to be certain that our faith is active and aggressive. Make sure that your believer is in the “on” position! We don’t want to look around in the middle of the year and discover that we have been in hope or mental assent when we thought we were in faith.

The salvation of our family members, the manifestation of healing in our bodies and the flow of the blessing in our finances are all a part of our benefits in redemption. Faith is the tool God has supplied to bring the manifestation of our spiritual supply into our everyday, “walking-around” life. When we begin to treat faith like a tool or a spiritual instrument then we realize the responsibility to apply it. The Bible instructs us to “take” the shield of faith (Eph. 6:16). Jesus told us to “Have faith” or operate the faith of God (Mark 11:22). So let’s take our faith and manifest the things God has promised us!

Jesus taught us to use the tool of faith to receive the things we desire:

“Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.“ – Mark 11:24

The word receive is interesting in the Greek language. It is not a passive receiving. It means to take with the hand; to seize with a grip that cannot be shaken. Jesus is telling us to utilize the tool of faith and believe that we take the desired result into our possession. We seize the salvation of our loved ones with a grip that cannot be shaken. We seize the healing of our body and bring it into manifestation with the tool of faith. We receive every promise and provision the Lord has supplied in this manner. Like a bulldog locks its jaw and refuses to release what it has laid hold of, we can use our faith and lock it onto the promise of God.

We know that we cannot use our physical hands to grip a spiritual promise. So how do we “seize” things in the spirit realm? We use the hand of our tongue!

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” – Proverbs 18:21

The word power is a Hebrew word that is used in the Bible 1359 times as hand. It is translated 12 times as power. Death and life are in the hand of the tongue. Our tongue works like a hand to receive or take possession of things. When we pray, we believe in our heart and take possession with our mouth the things we desire!

This coincides with the instruction of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He told us, Take no thought saying, ‘What shall we eat? What shall we drink?’…” We take possession of the anxiety with the hand of our mouth! Instead, when the wrong thought bombards your mind, you can take the peace. Seize the provision. Declare, “The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want!”

From the moment you release your faith in prayer, keep the hand of the mouth firmly clenched around the answer. Don’t let go of your answer by saying what you feel or see. Keep your saying in line with what you prayed. The best way to do this is with thanksgiving. When a person has received something, the first response is “Thank you!” You have to declare, “Thank you, Lord. I believe that I received when I prayed. I have it now. I thank you for it. It belongs to me and is in my possession.”

Jesus Christ, the Master, told us to believe that we receive (take with the hand, seize with a grip that cannot be shaken) the things we desire and we shall have them! Partner, I am praying for you to be aggressive with your faith this year!

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