The Lord has given us every advantage! We are born of God with His Holy Spirit as our constant guide. We are equipped with the authority in Jesus’ name, the ability to receive from the Father, and God’s Word as a sword to defend and advance. Yet, many people struggle in their Christian walk! Why?
Every benefit we have through the sacrifice of Jesus’ life is accessed by faith. Since faith comes by hearing and hearing God’s Word (Romans 10:17), we can regulate or neglect the condition of our faith by our intake or lack of God’s Word. Simply, if you feed on God’s Word, putting it into your eyes and ears until it gets into your heart (Pro. 4:20-22), faith will come. But if you attempt to exercise faith in the memory of the verses your mind can recall, you fall victim to mental assent!
Mental assent deceives many Christians. They think I know that! But faith is of the heart. The mind cannot produce the force of faith. While we need to have our minds renewed by the Word of God so that it cooperates with the faith in our hearts, the mind is not the source of believing.
Let’s follow the biblical instruction to examine ourselves to see if we are “in faith.” Faith is certain. Faith is now. There is joy and peace in believing. Faith speaks and calls things that be not as though they were. Check your mouth. Are you saying, “I’m going to have it,” or “I have it now”? Are you eagerly anticipating with joy and peace or desperately agonizing with nervousness?
My husband, Philip Steele, has written a book that will help you take an exhaustive investigation of your walk of faith. It is called, “Every Day Is a Faith Day.” He is also teaching this month on our TV broadcast a series called. “The Walk of Faith.” Here is a link to the series in our archive.
Be sure to join us for our SIX DAYS OF FAITH in our Little Rock campus of Faith Builders that starts Tuesday, March 12, thru Sunday, March 17th. You can watch it online with this link.