Michelle Steele Ministries is dedicated to helping people find freedom in Jesus Christ and live in the power of God’s Word. Michelle Steele embraces every opportunity to point people to Jesus, using her teachings, books, podcasts, and TV broadcasts to bring hope and direction to people across the world.
We pray that you will find answers to help you as you utilize the resources provided on this website. Let the Lord minister His hope, strength, and refreshing as you enjoy the stories, articles, podcasts, and videos designed to enlighten your path. Psalm 119:105 (BBE) says, “Your word is a light for my feet, ever shining on my way.”
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Michelle Steele
Motivating…Transparent…An encouragement to the hopeless…This is how many describe author and Bible teacher—Michelle Steele.Michelle teaches the biblical principles of faith and inspires people to reach beyond their personal limitations. Through personal stories and solid teaching, Michelle will build your faith in the Word of God and teach you how to overcome life’s toughest trials. As a drug addict, prostitute, and hopeless woman, Michelle accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1992. Step by step, God has restored and rebuilt her life. Today, she ministers across the nation, helping others to find their NEW LIFE in Christ.
Latest from the Blog
Opening Up with Kellie Copeland
Well, I often say that it is erroneous to think that someone has to be raised in a low-income or bad situation to have a testimony. I grew up in a very affluent part of Hendersonville, Tennessee, outside of Nashville. I went to school in an affluent neighborhood. I learned to drive in a…
Supernatural Help and Hope for Those Who Need God’s Rescue
When those you love are on the wrong path, you may feel hopeless and defeated. Whether they struggle with addictions and destructive lifestyles or they’re blinded by deception, you need to know how to connect God’s power to their situation and stand in faith for their deliverance.
In Intervention Prayers, Michelle Steele, pastor, author, and host of Faith Builders television program, unpacks detailed biblical strategies to execute in prayer for your loved ones’ freedom and restoration. Redeemed from a life of drugs and crime, Michelle knows firsthand the bondage of the enemy and the supernatural tools needed to set someone free. Michelle shares proven principles to work with the Holy Spirit, including how to:
- Partner with God’s intervention plan
- Understand the foundation and focus of your prayers
- Receive power and strength through praise
- Maintain faith until you see the answer
Regardless of what you see playing out in your loved ones’ lives, even if reports tell you things are getting worse, you can stay strong in faith. Purpose to pray and bring God’s help on the scene for those you love!
This week on Concepts of Faith with Annette Capps
Escaping Hell #1 All of us have experienced pain, shame, and guilt at some point in our lives. Michelle Steele has learned to conquer the twin demons of guilt and shame and you can too! Her transformation did not happen by chance and God has provided a way of escape for you as well. Michelle…
Living Life in the Vine
Our life in Christ is a connected life! As we abide in Him, we gain strength and ability because we are vitally connected to His life. This week’s episode deals with our divine connection and the victory that results from being in Christ. We have a study guide and audio downloads that include all 12…
Intervention Prayers on “The Road Show”
Have you ever been so frustrated with the decisions your loved one is making that it is hard to pray for them? In her book, ” Intervention Prayers”, Michelle Steele explains how to pray from a position of faith instead of emotions. This book is stocked full of prayer directives and verses to fuel your…